World War II - $Hitler

Embark on a Crypto War Journey with World War II Coin: Conquer the Market, Conquer History!

About $Hitler

World War II Coin is a groundbreaking meme coin project that takes inspiration from the tumultuous era of the Second World War. Delving into history, our project brings forth a unique blend of cryptocurrency and historical significance, with a playful twist.

At the heart of World War II Coin is the iconic figure of "Hiller," a character designed to evoke humor while paying homage to the historical figure of Adolf Hitler. However, it's essential to note that our project does not endorse or condone any form of hate or discrimination; rather, it seeks to use satire and irony to engage users and spark conversations about history and finance.

With World War II Coin, users can not only participate in the vibrant world of meme coins but also explore a fascinating era in human history. Our project aims to entertain, educate, and unite cryptocurrency enthusiasts and history buffs alike, offering a novel way to engage with both worlds simultaneously.

Join us as we embark on this unique journey through time and technology with World War II Coin. Together, let's conquer the market and make a memorable mark on history!


Total Supply : 100.000.000 $Hitler

Tax Buy/Sell : 0%

Burnt : 100%

CA : Not Update
